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Government Benefits Timing at Chime: SSI, SSA, and VA Payments

Chime Team • November 14, 2024

Government benefits are a common source of income for many Americans, but payment dates can vary based on the specific benefit you receive. Make sure you know when each payment is scheduled to hit your account so you can plan ahead and budget accordingly.

Below, find out when Social Security benefits are paid, how they work, and how you can get your government benefits up to two days early with Chime.*

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What are government benefits payments?

Government benefits payments are available to a wide range of people: retired Americans, veterans with disabilities, and people with limited income who are blind or have a qualifying disability.

Here are the three most common types of government benefits in the US:

  • Social Security payments: When you retire, you’ll probably receive Social Security Administration (SSA) payments. You’re eligible for this monthly benefit if you’re 62 or older and worked (and paid into Social Security) for at least 10 years. You may also be entitled to benefits based on a current or former spouse’s employment.¹
  • SSI payments: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits are designed for people with limited income who 1) are blind, 2) are 65 or older, or 3) have a qualifying disability. These payments are separate from SSA payments; you can qualify for both.²
  • VA payments: If you are a veteran with a service-connected condition (an illness or injury caused or exacerbated by your time in the military), you can qualify for tax-free, monthly benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs.³
    Wondering when you’ll receive your government benefits in your Checking Account? Find out how bank holiday schedules can impact direct deposits.

Wondering when you’ll receive your government benefits in your Checking Account? Find out how bank holiday schedules can impact direct deposits.

When will I receive my Social Security payments?

So when are Social Security benefits paid, and how do those payment dates differ from SSI payments and VA benefits? Let’s look at the payment schedule for each type of government benefit:

When do I get Social Security (SSA) benefits?

The calendar for Social Security benefits can seem a little confusing at first glance, but once you know how it operates, it’s fairly straightforward.

If you started to receive your SSA payments before May 1, 1997, you will always receive your monthly Social Security benefit on the 1st of the month (or the first business day of the month, depending on weekends and holidays).

If you made your first SSA claim after May 1, 1997, your payment will fall on either the second, third, or fourth Wednesday of the month, depending on your day of birth:

Day of birthSSA payment date
1st – 10th of the monthSecond Wednesday
11th – 20th of the monthThird Wednesday
21st – 31st of the monthFourth Wednesday

If the Wednesday of your payment is a federal holiday, you’ll receive your payment on the first preceding day that is not a government holiday (or weekend).⁴

When do I get SSI benefits?

Supplemental Security Income payments are more straightforward than SSA monthly benefits. Everyone, regardless of birth date, receives their SSI payments on the first of the month.

If the 1st of the month falls on a weekend or bank holiday, recipients will receive their payment on the final Friday of the month before.⁴

When do I get VA benefits?

Similarly, VA benefits are paid out on the 1st of the month. If the 1st falls on a weekend or holiday, recipients will get their payment early, on the last business day of the preceding month.⁵

Chime benefit payment dates

Having trouble envisioning when you’ll get your VA, SSI, and SSA monthly benefits? The calendars below detail payment dates through the end of 2025 for each of these benefit types:


January 2025

A January 2025 calendar for SSI/SSA/VA recipients.

February 2025

A February 2025 calendar for SSI/SSA/VA recipients.

March 2025

A March 2025 calendar for SSI/SSA/VA recipients.

What can affect the timing of my benefits payment?

While the timing of your government benefits is generally predictable, a couple of factors can impact when the payments actually land in your bank account, including:

Government payment delays

Your SSA, SSI, and VA payments may rarely be delayed by issues with processing and clearing times, though this is not common. Wait three business days⁶ before contacting Social Security or the VA if you don’t see your benefit payment in your bank account by the scheduled date.

Weekends and holidays

Great news: government benefits sometimes hit your account early if the scheduled date is on a weekend or government holiday! Check out our federal and banking holiday schedule to track all the dates that might prompt early benefits payments.

Receive benefits payments through Chime with direct deposit

There’s another reason you might get your benefits payments early: some financial institutions help you get payments, including your paycheck and government benefits, ahead of schedule.

For instance, when you set up direct deposit with Chime, you can automatically get your paycheck up to 2 days early.*

Want to access your paycheck and government benefits before your scheduled date? Here’s how to set up direct deposit through Chime.

Chime helps members unlock financial progress™

Early access to your government benefits is just one of the many ways that Chime takes the stress out of managing your money. Open a Chime® checking account and set up direct deposit to unlock other benefits, like fee-free overdraft⁷ and a network of more than 50,000 fee-free ATMs.⁸

Want to do more with your Chime account? Join our community groups on Reddit and Facebook for helpful resources, including real-time updates about government benefits payment dates.


How much are SSI checks?

Each year, the Social Security Administration evaluates the maximum monthly payments for SSI checks. In 2024, the maximum payment is $943 for an individual; the max benefit for a couple is $1,415.⁹

Keep in mind that not everyone qualifies for the full amount. Other sources of income and the people with whom you live can impact the amount of your SSI check.

How do I apply for SSI?

To apply for SSI, you’ll need to start by submitting a request online for an appointment. You’ll need to provide basic personal information, such as your date of birth, Social Security number, and address. After your application, someone from Social Security will reach out within seven to 14 business days to schedule an appointment.¹⁰

How do I make an appointment with the SSA?

You can make an appointment with the Social Security Administration by calling 1-800-772-1213 during business hours (Monday through Friday 8 am. to 7 p.m. local time) or by visiting a local Social Security office.¹¹

What is the difference between SSI and SSDI?

SSI stands for Supplemental Security income while SSDI means Social Security Disability Insurance. SSI is available to those who qualify, regardless of their work history. SSDI is a disability benefit only available to you if you worked enough years.¹²

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